
I offer intuitive life question readings based on three colours you chose whilst thinking of your question...I never know what your question is unless you want me to know! If you are considering baby names for a child or even a pet, I conduct a blind reading on each name and give you my impressions on that baby's personality. Using found materials, I create unique collage art based on my impressions. Please contact me for pricing or if you have any questions: three.colours.question at gmail dot com.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Two of Wands-- Say Yes to a new path

I created this card for a personal reading and am delighted that I chose to carry it with me today. The two of wands is one of my favourite cards in the Tarot and the bee one of my favourite symbols:

Bees are a metaphor for creating poetry in how they communicate nectar into honey...take the raw materials and make a useful, delightful product. Bees have never worried me. As a child I remember watching bumblebees buzz around; I thought they were cute and clever little things and people who swatted away bees were not to be trusted.

To this day I love watching them dart from flower to flower. I'm grateful for bees, and grateful for the path I've chosen to take.

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