
I offer intuitive life question readings based on three colours you chose whilst thinking of your question...I never know what your question is unless you want me to know! If you are considering baby names for a child or even a pet, I conduct a blind reading on each name and give you my impressions on that baby's personality. Using found materials, I create unique collage art based on my impressions. Please contact me for pricing or if you have any questions: three.colours.question at gmail dot com.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Work with devotion, patience and attention."

Okay, I get all of the progressions here except the third one which looks
like a guy being attacked by zombies, then stays in hospital where he had
a sex change operation and chats with a nurse?

Slowing down production is the call to action of this opinion piece from the New York Times. It resonated with me as I work both in the care and craft professions, and I have a strong interest in education. Of course, I see the enormous benefits of slowing down when it comes to all three of these areas. But I'm also interested in applying "devotion, patience and attention" to all aspects of my life.

I wonder how magical our lives would be if we all gave more attention, devotion and patience to everything we do? I imagine our family meals would be prepared more carefully and our conversations would be more meaningful. I imagine fewer automobile accidents. Fewer accidents of all types, really.

Life wouldn't necessarily need to slow down. In fact, when you give something all your attention, time seems to fly. "Haste makes waste" and waste takes time to clear away, dampening spirits in the process. I see lives filled with more joy when people consciously choose devotion, patience and attention over selfishness and haste.

Yesterday we were shopping at Costco and I was talking about how to cook a certain tasty sample with one of the food demonstrators. She said it just took two minutes to heat up in the microwave. I told her we didn't have a microwave which shocked her. I think reheated food tastes better when it's cooked more slowly, and taking the extra time is worth it to me.

It's also worth it to me to have conversations like that with people...perhaps I won't change her mind about using the microwave, but it may be nice for her to see that it's not a neccessity for everyone. And that someone slowed down enough to not just grab a sample and go, but to spend time to talk, to pay attention.

Now I'm going to research recipes so I can make a home cooked version of that processed food sample I enjoyed so much...

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